Last year, Hunter robocall blockerconsumers received 48 billion robocalls according to the FCC.1 While some robocalls are legal and necessary–like appointment reminders from your healthcare provider or public service announcements–many robocalls are solicitations and nuisances.  Some are even malicious and designed to steal information, identities, or money.

To top it off – these calls can cost your business money.  A study by Ooma, Inc. in 2019 reported 84% of businesses receive robocalls every day, and 54% receive five or more per day, with each call averaging $9.46 per call.

To put that into perspective — a small business with multiple lines that receives 50 robocalls per day could reach approximately $118,000 per year in lost productivity.2

With improvements in internet-powered calling systems, illegal robocallers can efficiently send messages from anywhere in the world making them hard to stop.

At Hunter Communications, we are committed to protecting our voice customers from illegal robocalls.  We are thrilled to announce that Hunter Robocall Blocking is now available to our voice customers at no additional cost. While customers will notice less robocalls, we cannot eliminate them completely.  Hunter remains committed to curbing their frequency and will use a variety of methods to combat unwanted callers attempting to reach our customers.

Hunter’s Robocall Blocker features include:

Universal Call Blocking

 Hunter Communications has implemented a Universal Call Blocking solution which aims to block robocalls with malintent.  Robocallers seeking to defraud or steal your identity use several methods to reach you and acquire your information.  But, with Hunter’s Universal Call Blocking, these malicious robocalls will be automatically blocked and your phone will not even ring.

Advice of Risk

We have also implemented a solution which identifies nuisance calls with warnings of potential spam callers in the Caller Name field.  This Advice of Risk solution is also included for free in your current package.

Caller ID Authentication

To keep our spam detection algorithms up to date, Hunter uses STIR/SHAKEN technology.  This authentication system protects customers from the misuse of caller ID information which is so often used to trick people into answering their phones.

Spam Detection

Finally, Hunter partners with TNS to identify robocalls using data from multiple sources.  TNS analyzes robocall data from more than one billion daily call events from hundreds of telecom providers.  With this massive volume of data, TNS has up to date insights on robocalling tactics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I opt out of this call-blocking?

Yes, if customers wish to opt out of this free robocall blocking service, please contact our Customer Service team at or call 541-772-9282.

How can I prevent calls my business makes from being classified as SPAM?

You can register your business with the Free Caller Registry.  This enables businesses making legitimate outbound phone calls to submit your data via a standard, centralized experience to thee major providers of call management services.

How can I report a malicious robocall?

Register your phone numbers on FCC’s the Do Not Call List.  Though this FTC database does not eliminate illegal scammers or callers, you will not receive live telemarketing calls.  If the caller is ignoring the registry, it is probably a scam.  To report unwanted calls, visit the Federal Trade Commission’s Do Not Call Registry website.

What else can I do to protect myself?

Legitimate callers will leave voicemail.  Do not answer calls from or call back any numbers you do not recognize.  If you do answer a potential robocall, do not respond to any questions, be careful about giving out personal information over the phone, and contact law enforcement if you think your information or identity has been stolen. Read the FCC’s consumer tips to stop unwanted robocalls.

What is Congress doing to combat robocalls?

The TRACED Act is legislation which gives the FCC authority to pursue scammers, and the Truth in Caller ID Act enables the government to charge robocallers with illegal “spoofing” if it is proven that the caller intended to cause harm, defraud, or illegally obtain something of value.  At Hunter, because we are committed to protecting our customers from malicious and nuisance robocalls, we support these legislative agendas.

Hunter Communications is committed to the safely and security of our customers.  That is why we are offering Hunter Robocall Blocker at no additional cost for our voice service customers.


[1] FCC

[2] Ooma Survey