rural healthcare

Rural Healthcare Discount Program

Receive discounted rates from the Rural Healthcare Program that can increase patient satisfaction and outcomes with a fast and secure connection from Hunter Communications.

Learn More About the Rural Healthcare Program

Maintaining a high standard of patient care requires effective communication and a reliable online connection. Hunter Communications can bring it to you at an affordable price! As an authorized provider for the government-sponsored Rural Healthcare Program, we’re able to offer you high-speed, secure connections through the two initiatives in the program.

Who’s Eligible?

You could be eligible to receive a discounted rate on Internet access. If you are a rural or non-rural nonprofit or public/nonprofit healthcare provider, you may be qualified for one of the two programs. Check out the requirements below to find out which one is right for your facility.

Healthcare Connect Fund

Check out who qualifies:

  • Consortia of eligible rural and non-rural public/nonprofit HCPs
  • Individual rural public/nonprofit HCPs
  • Non-rural HCPs are eligible as a member of a consortium made up of more than 50% rural healthcare provider sites.


Telecommunications Program

The following public entities or rural nonprofit qualify:

  • Hospitals
  • Community health centers or health centers providing healthcare to migrants
  • Health clinics
  • Local health departments or agencies
  • Community mental health centers
  • Post-secondary education institutions offering healthcare instruction, such as teaching hospitals or medical schools
  • Dedicated emergency departments of rural for-profit hospitals
  • Consortia of HCPs consisting of one or more eligible entities
  • Skilled nursing facilities (SNFs)

Get a Discounted Rate on Hunter Communications' Broadband Services

To receive a discounted rate through the Rural Healthcare Program, you can apply now by creating an account with Universal Service Administrative Co. (USAC) when you visit Once you’re on the website, you can download the application forms for both of the programs.