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Case Studies

We pride ourselves on providing products and services to our customers that make them more successful. Take a look at a few of the businesses we have partnered with to help them reach their goals.

people watching television

With Hunter’s symmetrical fiber-optic internet, the Mount Shasta SDA Church can now offer virtual services for its members and provide its students with more resources.

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After experiencing internet and voice outages with their old provider, Oregon Truck & Auto Authority switched to Hunter Communications’ fast and reliable fiber-optic services.

wellspring family practice

Before turning to Hunter Communications, WellSpring Family Practice lacked reliable internet and phone connectivity. Hunter’s fiber-optic internet and voice services have helped Wellspring connect better with their patients.

Naasau oogp vision group logo

When NASSAU OOGP Vision Group outgrew their T1 line and dial-up landline service, Hunter Communications was there with fiber-powered internet and hosted VoIP digital phone services to help them grow their customer service department and increase revenue.

Blackstone logo

As Blackstone Audio started uploading more and more content to their partners and websites, they realized a faster, more reliable Internet connection and VoIP digital phone service from Hunter Communications, would be vital to the success of their business.